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Tuesday, June 07, 2016

My Plans for the Seasonal Sew Wardrobe: Sleepwear Edition

Hopefully, your starting to pull fabrics, reaching deep into your stash to pull out your pajama patterns and planning your sleepwear sewing! 

I actually have an entire box where I've been sticking sleepwear type fabric and a smaller box to store the pajama patterns I find here and there. 

So without further are my initial sewing plans in no particular order, whatsoever!

I saw this flannel at Hancock and thought immediately of the sew along! 
Since my Hancock was one of the first to close it was down to $2.70 a yard. 

I'm thinking the pants and the short sleeved version. I didn't have the pattern with me when I bought the fabric I don't know if I have enough for them. It might come out to be the shorts even though, I prefer to wear pants to bed. 
Unless… I swap out the top? Use something with less fabric? Maybe that's the key to this dilemma!

This project is a little bit on the strange side…

Because they are actually pillowcases not typical fabric!
I found them at my local thrift store (for twenty-five cents each) on different occasions. 

I haven't decided on using the FREE Sorbetto Tank or the FREE City Gym Shorts. I highly doubt I can squeeze them both out of two pillowcases! 

I'm probably the most nervous about this set of pajamas because… It's a matching pajama set for my aunt!

Her entire kitchen is pink and Paris so when I saw this fabric at Hobby Lobby…I realized this was the perfect fit for my aunt! 
If my memory serves me correctly, we are sewing the pants and short sleeved top. I'll make sure to clarify when it comes time for this project.

This is a cute floral flannel where I have no idea where it came from…but there isn't a lot. So this will be a toss up of shorts, a tank or maybe if fabric layout loves me…both! ;)

I cannot remember how I agreed to sewing my brother-in-law Jeff a pair of pajama pants…
But I am.
The fabric is the softest cotton chambray I have ever felt and I'm a little jealous that I'm going to be using it on him! lol 
He's 6' 3" so I know I'll have to add some length to the pants but hopefully that's the only alteration since I don't know anything about sewing menswear! Although, I've heard it said that "Menswear is easier then womenswear."

This is what I'm dubbing the Candy Cane Nightdress. (The fabric reminds me of Candy Canes) 
The fabric is a extremely lightweight cotton so this would definitely be a summer nightdress. 
But which pattern to use?? I can't decide! Help me out and tell me what you think in the comments below!

  • Bonus project

    There's also some little children's fabric in the stash that would be great for kids pajamas! I'm hoping to use that up for some pajamas for Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a charity that our family has been working with for as long as I can remember! They deliver boxes of gift-filled Christmas boxes to children affected war, poverty, natural disasters and other crises. Last year alone, over 11 million boxes were collected full of school supplies, toys, candy, hygiene items and clothes!

Currently, I'm sewing a robe I found thrifting! The sewist before me had already cut it out…so I felt as if she had done half the job for me! 
What are you sewing? 

-'- Jewel


  1. How great to see what you are sewing. I had to giggle when I saw your choices. The Sorbetto and Gym Shorts patterns are going to be used to pjs here too!

    And thanks so much for hosting this challenge!

    1. haha You know what they say…"Great minds think alike!" :)
