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Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Stashbusting Overview

I cannot not believe that it is the END of January already! 
The month flew by!! 
Even though it technically didn't go any faster than any other's time to add up the totals of fabric used and see how the month went!

Tiffany's 1960's Shift Dress                                     - 2 3/4 yards

A 1940's Button-Up                                                 - 2 yards.

Button-Up Tests Shirts                                            - 5 yards

Zipper Pouch (Left)                                                   - Scraps

Total of 9 3/4 yards!! Good start to the year I'd say! :)

I did buy 3 yards of fabric for a specific purpose and it is going to help me stash-bust a lot more!

Subtract that from the total and I have 93 1/4 yards to make my goal!!
Happy Sewing
-'- Jewel

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

This & That: Button-Up Update

/ Vintage McCall Pattern Company Pattern 5572 • The Shirtmaking Workbook by David Page Coffin • Seamwork Annual by Colette Patterns  \

This past week I've been researching and figuring out what type of sleeves to do on my button-up. 
My original shirt didn't have sleeves (meaning I couldn't copy them) but I want this one to be a true button-up with a collar and cuffs. So sleeveless is out of the question. 

Today, I found this pattern and decided I'll use it as the starting point for the sleeves and maybe even the cuffs!! (Version B) Excited to start working on them!!

-'- Jewel

Friday, January 22, 2016

1940's Button Up {Simplicity 0229/1590}

I made another blouse for work! 
It's Simplicity 1590 in the polka-dotted cotton I bought last May at Hobby Lobby in Texas. 

The buttons were found at the B & B and are almost a perfect color match! Awesome!! 
Especially, since they cost me a dollar for 24 buttons!

 I seem to be on the ropes about the pattern. It's like...I'm not sure if I like it or not. I just can't decide!

Either way it's be great for work!
-'- Jewel

Get more technical details with my review on Pattern Review! CLICK HERE TO READ

Fabric used on this project: 2 yards (1.8288m)
Fabric used since January 1st, 2016: 4 3/4 yards (4.3434m)
See my 2016 stashbusting pledge HERE

Monday, January 04, 2016

Tiffany's 1960's Shift Dress {Simplicity 1609}

I'm happy to say that one of my projects for my 2016 Make Nine and also the Pattern Review - Pattern Stash Contest is finished! 

I made Tiffany a shift dress using Simplicity 1609 that is a 1960's Jiffy pattern reprint. I think I bought the pattern in early 2014...either way it was one of my first pattern shopping sprees.

The fabric is from the stash and sadly there is still some left. I was hoping that this dress would use it all up...but no. There is still a yard or so to be used up - when I figure out what to make using music note fabric! lol

I omitted the buttons that version A had and also added some tucks to the back for a better fit.
Next time, I'm going to follow my gut and cut the front on the fold. I feel like the center front seam takes away from the dress.

Overall; I'm happy with the result and Tiffany likes it which is the goal.
-'- Jewel

Fabric used on this project: 2 3/4 yards (2.5146m)
Fabric used since January 1st, 2016: 2 3/4 yards (2.5146m)
See my 2016 stashbusting pledge HERE

Sunday, January 03, 2016

AccompList / January Edition \

Yesterday I shared about my goals for the year and hinted heavily that I had even more for January.


I do.

Probably way too many than I'll actually be able to accomplish but what does every wall hanging say..."Reach for the stars"....when in reality you will never, ever literally reach them.

Image: Pattern Review
The Pattern Stash Contest 

I found out about the Pattern Stash Contest because we are doing a "mini contest" in the Stashbusting group.
It's not really a contest between us in the sewing group as much as it is a jump start to get through some of our stashed patterns with lot's of encouragement and motivation!

My goal is to use 5 of my eligible patterns but there is a reason why I haven't made most of them yet.
(Two of my 2016 Make Nine projects work for the contest!)

You can read more about the contest on Pattern Review HERE

Image: Instagram
January Sew-A-Long - Button Up

This month's theme in the Sew-A-Long group is shirts. We'll be sewing shirts tailored to our own body shapes.

David Page Coffin will be leading and teaching us his techniques. I've already been studying some of his book The Shirtmaking Workbook.

I have no idea what fabric I'm going to use or even what top/blouse I'm going to pattern draft it after...but I'm extremely excited and ready to learn!
Hospital Nursing Gown

Samantha is due at the end of February and asked me to sew her a gown to wear in the hospital (after having my nephew!!) that is thicker and easy to nurse in - while still looking nice for visitors.

She chose a soft flannel for the fabric and we have decided to use a vintage robe pattern with a few modifications.

So that's the plan for January! I get January 18th off so that will (hopefully) be an extra day of sewing!
-'- Jewel

Saturday, January 02, 2016

AccompList / 2016 Make Nine Edition \

I have a ton of goals for 2016. 
I also have a lot of goals for the month of January. 
This year I am the stereotypical goal maker. Making way too many and (most likely) un-achievable goals. ...Some in an exceptionally short amount of time but let's put that aside... ;)

2016 Make Nine

  On Instagram, the hashtag #2015BestNine became popular - sharing nine best photos from the past year. Many people were doing their most liked as the best nine, many makers did their best nine projects and then there was me...trying to figure out what mine were of either category. 
  Until Rochelle from Lucky Lucille posted her nine with this caption:

"Instead of #2015BestNine I'm doing a #2016MakeNine! What are some things you'd like to make this year?"

  Now that hashtag is SO up my alley!! 
  I jumped on it right away and here are my projects:

1. White Shirt Dress:

I love shirt dresses; they are probably my favorite style of dresses! When I came across this image on Pinterest I knew it was something I wanted to sew! 

The pattern I'm going to be using is a 1950's reprint Butterick 5556 because I already own the pattern and it will give it a slightly less "white button up shirt with a skirt attached" type feel to the dress.

My plan for the fabric is to use one of the white vintage sheets that's in the stash. 

Update 05/27/16: See the finished dress HERE!

2. Another 1950s Dress for TaMera:

Kimberly was looking through Instagram when she saw this 1950's vintage dress for sale at a vintage shop. The dress is the same style as Simplicity 1459 (reprint of a 1950's pattern). 

I've made it twice with varying details for TaMera and this dress shows another way to change up the same pattern. 

3. Phoebe Dress by Colette Patterns:

Phoebe was just released last month and I fell in and hard.
In celebration of the release they offered a 15% discount off the pattern. I knew I was going to buy the pattern sometime so why not buy it on sale?

It's a simple design and I think that's another reason I was drawn to it. So many of my dresses have lots of gathering or pleating for tummy coverage and this one just has a simple subtle flare with the two darts on the front.

Update 02/22/16: See the finished Phoebe HERE

4. 1960s Shift Dress for Tiffany

In the off chance that Tiffany actually reads my blog...I'm not going to say to much about this project because I want it to be a semi-surprise.

(I found the perfect fabric in my stash and can't wait to get started on it!!)

5. Something With Lace

I feel like I'm to the level of sewing where I can try something with lace or sheer fabric and then I read this article which says, according to Met, that a trend this spring will be lace and sheer fabric. Uh...perfect timing!!

Now I don't have any patterns in mind or even any fabric...I just know its something I want to do!

6. Camden Cape for Mom

In November when I received the email exclaiming that the new Seamwork issue had been released the first thing I noticed was the cape!! I showed Mom and she said
"Okay, you can make me one too!"
and replied with an excited "yes!!"
I've only sewn one thing for Mom so far and can't wait to sew the cape for her!

I also have it the back of my mind to make one for myself but I'm not sure if that will happen this year.

7. Cat Overall (Dungarees)

I don't remember how I came across this pair of overalls on Instagram but I did and instantly took a screenshot! 

Overalls are another thing that I want to sew sometime so why not make them a fun pair?

I like the way the bib is quite small compared to other styles of overalls. Which is a detail that I like. 

I saw a tutorial on drafting your own pair of overalls and I think I'm going to try that on this project. 

UPDATE 03/14/16: Read the current plan for the Cat Overalls HERE

8. A Button Up

But not just any button up...A well fitted button up.
For my body shape, button ups are either to big or to tight in some area of my body...that's why I'm super excited for this month's sew-a-long in the Sewing Contests and Sew-A-Long Facebook group! Because we are going to be sewing button ups lead by master shirt maker David Page Coffin! I'm am literally giddy about this!! Just so "sew" excited!!!
(You can see his preview post here)

That is why I am pretty certain by the end of the year I will have a well fitting button up tailored just to me!!

9. Zinnia Skirt

When I first found Colette Patterns maybe two years ago? (I know it was before really started sewing) I really wanted to make this skirt but I didn't buy it at the time. I think because it wasn't time for me to. I needed better skills and an understanding of fabrics more then when you've made one apron. ;)

I almost didn't order it this time around BUT because of the Phoebe pattern and the Seamwork Annual (more on that later) it was going to be just a few more dollars to purchase it and get free shipping too!
This flower child (zinnia? this baby? okay, it's a stretch/bad joke from Kimberly) is going to be made this year!!

Well, that's my sewing plan for the year of 2016 ...however, this post doesn't include my crazy sewing plan for just the month of January... *nervous laugh*

Let's AccompList stuff this year!
-'- Jewel

Friday, January 01, 2016

2016 Stasbusting Sew-A-Long Pledge & 2015 Total

79 yards removed from the stash from March 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2015.

I still have an enormous stash because my Mom and grandmothers gave me their stashes when they quit sewing - BUT I'm so excited about using the 79 yards of fabric from the stash!
I found out/joined my stashbusting group in March of 2015 and stashbusted way more than I expected to! Because of what I was able to accomplish, I am going to pledge to use 100 yards from the stash in 2016! 

I want to give myself some room to buy fabric (that I will regret if I leave there, or I just LOVE so much) and so, to accommodate that, the yardage I buy will be subtracted from the "total fabric busted" (creating an incentive to not buy fabric.)

"I, Jewel, Contributor to Jewberly Emiris, avid sewist, and overall fabric lover, pledge to use 100 yards from the stash and subtract any yardage purchased from the used fabric total."

Here goes....! I hope to share my projects as soon as I'm done...rather then never sharing them which has happened to be the case the last two months. (*nervous laugh* sorry about that)
I need to figure out a better organized schedule...another thing to accomplish in 2016!

Happy New Year!!!
-'- Jewel