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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Garage Sale Scores - I Can Read Book: The Case of the Cat's Meow

 Wow! I can't believe there are only two more Tuesday's left of August and Garage Sale Scores!

 Today's Garage Sale Score is a children's book I read as a little one.

It's a comical mystery story built around a cat.

The characters (above, from left to right) are Wizard, Skinny, Tubby, & Snitch.
In our family, books and movies with magical references weren't encouraged so Wizard was changed to Wally. Snitch was considered a rude term so his name was changed to Scott.  However, my parents apparently saw nothing wrong with Tubby & Skinny because their names were left the same!

I don't want to say anymore and risk giving the story away, but this book makes a strong "case" to enjoy for years to come.

Have a happy day!
-'- Jewel

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