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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Garage Sale Score - Frigidaire Mini-Fridge

Caty and I had told TaMera and Emme that they could head on back down the hill to the car as we had stopped at all the garage sales. 

They scampered away as Caty and I took it slow discussing the finds we had found on the hill.

As we passed a garage sale we had already stopped at; I noticed this fridge sitting on the edge of the driveway. I had overlooked it before.

After closer examination, I decided to take it because it was marked "FREE!!" Next to a note stating that the fridge did not work.  My Dad is a mechanic and it's amazing what he can fix! 

I wish I could describe the faces of Emme and TaMera when we crested the hill and I was carrying a refrigerator! 
They were priceless!

I brought it home, showed Dad and asked him to look at it when he had time.
I walked by later and heard it running.
"Wow, Dad what'd you do?" I asked as I stuck my hand in and felt the cool air inside.
His response..."I just plugged it in!"

And that's the story of how I got my free mini-fridge! :)
-'- Jewel

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