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Friday, February 27, 2015

The Sewing Desk & Knitting Area

TaMera had stored her yarn in a vintage suitcase for 6 months. It worked, for the first month or so. After that, yarn was getting tangled, needles lost, and just a big mess.

Time for some reorganization!!

I went out to the shed and got the shoe organizer and upcycled it to a yarn organizer. 

(Maybe, turning it on it's side doesn't quite count as upcycling...but. ;)) 

It fit perfectly in the space between the desk and the bed. Her skeins of yarn are in the slots and finished projects in the crate in front.
Above the yarn organizer, sits a basket with the smaller balls of yarn, our books and TaMera's knitting cases.

Our friend Peggy gave us the set of Complete Library of Needlecraft books! 
They have sewing, patchwork, applique, knitting, crochet, hook arts, embroidery, needlepoint, rug making and macramé. I excited about digging in and learning about all of the different kind of arts you can make with needles! The set also make our craft book pile look a lot more impressive!
Right above them, is my Complete Guide to Sewing. (Slightly, hidden by TaMera's knitting cases.)

 TaMera's knitting needles are now stored in a vase on the desk. 

And I leaned something Mom owns a serger. I really had no idea until I found it in the storage room.
The serger has found it's place on the sewing desk. Patiently, waiting for me to find out how to thread and run the machine. I'm thinking Youtube to the rescue! lol

There are five different Thrift Store Scores, I haven't shared with you yet hidden in these pictures.
I better get on that! :)
-'- Jewel

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thrift Store Score - More Buttons!

All the buttons I've shared, I found on the same day. I decided to share them posts apart. That way, you don't think all I ever buy is buttons! haha
Eight buttons...eight more buttons to find a project to use them on. What a long and hard task. (<- sarcasm ;))
These have a coat of arms on them and ridged edges. (Makes me think of Ruffles, 'cause "Ruffles have ridges"! lol)
Happy Thrift Store Score Tuesday!
-'- Jewel

Friday, February 20, 2015

Awkward Sink Light to Amazing Kitchen Light

This is such a beautiful light and picture! Now, I'll show what was there before...
I don't really know the builders/previous owners thoughts on the one light over the sink was. I think it's just plain weird and off centered. For some reason it reminds me of a doctors office. lol

It's amazing what a trip to Lowe's and Dad switching the lights out can do!
-'- Jewel

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Thrift Store Score - Vintage Coffee Invitation

Are these adorable or what? I love the colors and the non-perfection of them! They are vintage invitation cards by Carol Cards. ...which is no longer in business. *tear*
The design was copyrighted in 1976. 

When I bought them, I didn't know they were invitations. But, I don't care. Now I get to plan a party! ;)

-'- Jewel 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

I Heart Sweatshirts / Wears

Kimberly and I had a photo shoot, back in January, before she left for college. Our outfits work great for a Valentines post! :)

sweatshirt: old navy  /  scarf: handmade gift  /  jeans: (gap) scout dry goods  /  boots: shoe sensation 
sweatshirt: ross dress for less  /  scarf: handmade gift  /  jeans: old navy  /  boots: shoe sensation

Happy Valentines Day!
-'- Jewel

Photography: Jewel & Kimberly

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Thrift Store Score - Robinson Crusoe Book

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defore is a story of a man's life on an island.
Don't take my word for it though...I've only read the short children's version. (That's going to change soon!) 
I found this book at the Hastings Goodwill for $3.99. ($3.99 seems to be my price lately. lol)
It was originally in the Loomis Public Library in Loomis, Nebraska. 

The book was printed by the World Publishing Co. 
I wish, I knew when it was printed! There isn't a printed date on the book. 
I do know it was after 1935...
See "In 1928 Commercial Bookbinding Co. (in Cleveland, Ohio) bought out its largest competitor, the World Syndicate Publishing Co. of New York, and assumed the name World Publishing Co. in 1935." - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History
That's how I know it was after 1935. :)
 Happy Thrifting,
-'- Jewel
Photography: TaMera

Friday, February 06, 2015

Office Chair Refashion vol. 2

Yay! Samantha's office finally has another chair!

This time around we actually used spray adhesive and it works so much better then carpet tape. lol 
(If you are confused, go read "Office Chair ReFashion vol. 1" :)) 
Can you believe this was a $5 garage sale find??
I love the way they look!
Happy weekend,
-'- Jewel
Photography: Jewel

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Thrift Store Score - Picnic Basket

This is a cute handheld picnic basket! ...that I have yet to use for a picnic. :-[ Come spring, I hope to change that!
The basket was $3.99 at a thrift store in Austin, Texas.
As of now, I'm using it for holding my smaller crocheting projects. :) 
It has a place for plates, two cups and napkins?  I have added small plates and cups to my mental thrifting list.
Today it is carrying next week's Thrift Store Score! Any ideas? Click HERE to find out!

Talk to you soon,
-'- Jewel
Photography: TaMera & Jewel