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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Back at the helm with 1948 Skirt

I have missed blogging. For so many different (and mostly legit) reasons I've been lollygagging (that's a thing right?) so finally I decided to dust off the blog and start again. 
Blogging is a part of the creative process for me. It's how I document what I've sewn and it reminds me that although I don't have as much sewing/creative time, I can still create.

Honestly, I feel like I reconnected with an old friend!

Part of that is because I'm writing and editing on my old, all-my-fave-bookmarks-in-the-tab, files-exactly-where-I-know-them-to-be, super-slow laptop.
(Did I mention the keyboard "clacks"? It's strange but nice.) But not nearly as nice as my new computer. Newbie is like the best...except that I haven't figured everything out yet. (Like why my online photo editing program won't work) 

But that has absolutely NOTHING to do with my new skirt.
The skirt that came out exactly as planned! The skirt that I actually did some hand sewing in! The skirt that made me excited about sewing again!

And...also has me a little perplexed. 

I have nothing to wear with it!
The camera is lying in the photos when it shows the skirt base color and sweater color the same. The skirt's base is navy while the sweater is black. 
All my red coordinates are black based! I have zero that are navy based so it'll be belted or sewing some more blouses for me. Most likely a mix of both.

The skirt pattern is a vintage 1948 skirt pattern from McCall's. I purchased off of Ebay in my June haul which I talked about in Episode One of Sewing Desk Sit-Down. A basic six gore (or panel) skirt with just a little bit of flare towards the hemline. 

I've paired it with my Mom's high school cheerleading sweater for the time being while I sew a matching blouse! Since the fabric was a $1.50 B&B Thrift Store find...I only have a few small pieces left.

So the blouse will be in the same navy fabric as the waistband and the sleeve cuffs will be the red plaid! I'm using a vintage 1953 Simplicity blouse pattern and can't wait to see them both together! I hope it looks as good as I have it pictured in my mind...

Not blogging has had me thinking about becoming more self sufficient. ...That's the reason I'm not looking into the camera in all the photos I've shared because I used a camera remote and tripod.
A first for me! Before one of my family members would take them but I decided I needed to try to photograph myself...myself. For this reason I ventured out to the pasture with just my shoes and camera accessories.
It wasn't bad...just weird. I had to remember to manually set the shot up and then go and try to be in the position that I wanted when I was setting it up in the camera screen.
Whereas before I just told my family what type of photo I wanted and they tried their best to get it.
I'm going to keep trying it as it wasn't the worst (unlike my try at self timer photography trial here) and even though it took like 80 photos I was slowly starting to figure it out...until my camera died. *sigh*

Love the square back collar!
Well, sewing time is a'wasting! Have a lovely SEWurday! ;)

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