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Saturday, May 09, 2015

Bottle Necklace Refashion {DIY}

Last year, I bought a set of best friend necklaces for about $2. 
I'm a little old for them but they were cute and cheap. Maybe, nobody would notice? 

After further inspection, I found that they were little pieces of paper held on to the bottle by transparent tape. I was able to peel the "labels" off and "ta da" We have two empty bottle necklaces!

Scroll down for one of the DIY's!

I call this "The Note In The Sand" incredibly original right?!? ;)

It was simple and I don't know why I didn't do it earlier! 

First, I put some sand (from our trips to Alabama) in the bottom of the bottle.
Next, I cut a piece off of a strip of a photo paper, tightly rolled it, and secured it with tape. 
Lastly, taking a red marker. I carefully drew a bow, put the note in and popped the lid back on. 


A quick 'n' easy way to change the look of it,
-'- Jewel

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