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Monday, December 29, 2014

January Photo Challenge

I recently participated in Black and White 5 day challenge on Instagram.
You post one black and white photo a day. The challenge was really enjoyable for me.
That got me thinking about January coming (In two days) and the possibility of doing a month photo challenge. 
I decided to make my own challenge and make it more fun!
Searching Pinterest I picked five totally different challenges and chose my favorite from that day.
Which bring us to this...
My very own January of 2015 Photo Challenge!! You are welcome to use it, too!

I'll do a little explaining for some of the days:

5. What makes you think of cold? Or a cold drink, wrapped up in blankets, etc.
13. Take a photo that is easy to look at or of a kitten sleeping.
15. Get a picture of a book in a new way. A way you have never thought of before.
24. Snap a shot while driving down the road or if you are really daring...find a empty place and get your camera "on the road" for a new look.

Just think outside the square box! ;)
Make sure to follow me on Instagram and see how well I do!  [ @MSS_Jewel  ]
Ready or not! Here comes 2015!
-'- Jewel

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