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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 In The Rearview Mirror


Today is the last day of 2013. It has flown by for me and I'm sure it was the same for you. Thinking about the past year and all of the things that happened. I decided to put together at least one highlight from every month:

January: Spending a week at the Gulf of Mexico (Orange Beach, Alabama)

February: First time seeing a movie in IMAX 3D

March: Meeting our friend Amelia from Canada for the weekend in South Dakota! 

April: Turning 16 and recording our EP Metamorphosis.

May: Prepping for Kimberly's Graduation party...and the party itself. ;)

June: Started "Jewberly Emiris"

July: Steve Hurst School of Music

August: 8th year singing at the Nebraska State Fair

September: Sang on Main Stage at National Quartet Convention

October: Tiffany getting engaged and the surprise trip to Texas!!  

November: Thanksgiving in Texas! 

December: Helping out with the Christmas Eve services at church and getting a sander for Christmas! :)

I have also been thinking about 2014 and what the year may have in store. For one, it's going to have a lot of changes, it might even be a year of firsts because on the 9th I will be taking my first flight and secondly I will be staying with my oldest sister in Austin (TX) without the rest of my family for five days. That is two firsts for me in the first two weeks of the year! 

Happy New Year!! 

-'- Jewel

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